What is 100% Natural
Homegrown Beef?
We find peace of mind in knowing where our beef is born and raised, what it's fed, and how it's cared for and would like to offer the same to you....
For your own peace of mind.
*Natural beef has no additives or hormones and is minimally processed.

Our Story
For three generations my family has made a living farming and I hoped that God had planned the same path for us. You know the saying "love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life", we are living proof.
Farmers are often called crazy: putting in countless hours in all conditions. We have learned great value in these hours and difficulties. Finding the satisfaction of raising your own food and feeding your family is the reward.
As a farmer we are to be good stewards of the land and animals. For the Weiler Family we pride ourselves in being just that and offering to you beef raised with these principles.